We’ve Moved to a New Antique Mall!

Well June proved to be a crazy busy month! We can’t thank you all enough for your support as we launched this website and got our feet wet with online sales. To think it’s only been a month is kind of crazy because so much has happened!

On top of starting our website and online store we also moved our booth space!

Our first booth location provided us with a wonderful experience as first time booth owners. We were able to get our feet wet and gain some experience in a wonderful location and with some of the kindest people. However, as time went on we didn’t feel that we were at the right spot…for us.

This antique business is all a learning experience. The thought of moving booths made my skin crawl. I didn’t want to have to box everything up. But after looking at the trends in our booth finances, in the number of sales we were averaging monthly, we decided it was time to try something new.

Our experience (while I had been dreading it!) was wonderful and couldn’t have gone smoother.

Here’s how we did it:

We gave notice to our former antique mall that we would be leaving. They required 30 days notice so we gave notice June 1st to be out by July 1st.

We started our lease with our new booth space a week before the old one ended. We did this because they were literally just down the road from one another so we were able to load items and simply move them to the new location. This week of time gave us breathing room to not have to do it all, all at once. It was nice to space it out.

On Monday of the week we rented a trailer to take all of our big items. This eliminated the need for multiple trips in our truck or having to try to figure out how to even get items into our truck. U-Haul trailers are SUPER affordable by the way! We rented a trailer, fees and everything included, for about $20 for the day.

The next days we were able to go, get a bin of items, take them home, tag them, then take them to the new booth. Visit the old booth for another bin and repeat the process. I loved doing it this way because again, the two antique malls are just down the street from one another so this worked with them being super close. I also loved doing it this way because our actual store space in our home is pretty small so working in batches made it more manageable than had we had all the inventory back in our home.

By the end of the week we were able to move everything out of the booth in a timely fashion without feeling exhausted. We also had time to comb through the inventory we took out of the booth: we reevaluated everything to see if perhaps Goodwill would be a better place for something, or maybe it was more of a spring item that we didn’t need to put in the new booth just yet.

So there you go! We’re all moved and getting settled in. While we miss our old booth space and wax nostalgic about it (I am the most sentimental person ever), we are also excited about our new opportunity and how kind everyone has been at our new booth space.

Want to visit our booth?

We’re now located at Picker’s Paradise in Niles, Michigan. 2809 S 11th St, Niles, MI 49120 We’re located in booth 71. We’d love to have you stop by for a visit!

Thanks for your support and encouragement through this time! We’ll be posting more now that we’ve gotten our moving out of the way.


This is pretty much how we feel after moving booths!


Savoring Simplicity


Swizzle Sticks