Lindsay Lindsay

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

These past few months of moving, putting our house up for sale, and getting settled have often times seemed never ending.

We decided the first of the year was a good time to get our business off the back burner and spend time doing what I love.

Our lives have gotten busy. Mainly Nick’s business of consulting has taken off and while we appreciate how many companies he is helping, it is exceedingly difficult to run an antiques business with the man…

Enter Emma.

Our sweet daughter is a teenager in high school who is hip with the social media, a wonderful photographer, and loves to help stage and arrange inventory. Her stepping in to help was a seamless decision.

She will be helping me (Lindsay) with the marketing, planning, and arranging of a new idea we have. The hopes of this will help me to hopefully be able to spend more time on things that don’t take me forever and a day (unlike social media posts that do take me forever). The other benefit of her helping is that it has really freed me up artistically when it comes to the aesthetic of our office and what I want around me.

I’ve always been a “decorate with what brings you joy” kind of person but when I was sharing an office with Nick I noticed that I was decidedly more tactful with my decorating.

It’s just crazy enough to work.

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Indiana, Journal Lindsay Indiana, Journal Lindsay

The Manor’s Moved

The Hoosier Vintage family has moved! Come on in, let us show you our favorite parts of our new home.

Well things have been busy here these last few month. Over the summer we decided to buy a house that quite literally was nothing short of a miracle! It was pretty incredible how it all happened. And while our previous home my sweet cousin nicknamed “The Manor” hasn’t moved, we’ve decided to carry the name with us wherever we go!

We moved from our large Queen Anne home to an even bigger Victorian in Nick’s home town.

The very best part? It’s right next door to his sweet parents!

Nick remembers being babysat in the home. He remembers throwing marbles down the laundry chute and playing in the toy room up on the third floor. Our son’s bedroom has the window Nick shot out with a bb gun when he was young. These sweet memories make me smile so big.

I’d love to show you around. Want to come see?

Here, let me show you around! Here are some of my favorite parts of the house:

Here are some of our project areas coming up soon:

As you can see there’s a bit to do. Wood panelling is ganging up on us. The geese are ganging up on us. We have a stonehenge of boxes in our formal living room. There are lots of projects but we love every little bit of it. We’re currently taking our time to live in the home and figure out how to best make the house our own, and what is our first priority.

Every morning I wake up, throw off the covers, put my robe on, and walk down the stairs, feeling like royalty. And kind of silly because I still can’t remember how many steps each flight has. But I’ll get it!

We’ve been in our new home 2 months and it still feels so special and amazing!

So I hope this explains where we’ve been and what we’ve been up to! The Hoosier Vintage has also given us quite a run for our money. I may one day show you our new inventory system and storage room but suffice it to say, moving makes you have to overhaul and re-do everything. We are slowly but surely getting our ducks in row and making sure we are fully ready before we re-open our shop.

Hope this finds you well, sweet friends!

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