Saturdays struggle

I clearly remember the loveliness of Saturdays before we had children. Most were comprised of us sleeping in, rolling out of bed to get to the farmers market, then an afternoon of either exploring Indianapolis or more napping. As twilight fell gently around us you would have found us either trying a newly discovered bistro or at home, making from-scratch meals with our market finds in larger portions than we'd ever hope to finish.

It was a Lully, dreamy part of our life together. And as the children near leaving the nest, I must admit that I find myself dreaming of days like that again.

Now however, our days are the complete opposite of those tranquil adventures. Today for example is a Saturday they consists of waking up with an alarm set at 6am. From the moment our feet hit the hardwood, we've been running kids to volunteering, scouts, ballet, and Easter outfit shopping. (I write this from the pickup lot while I wait for Emma).

I am trying to savor these times. They are fast moving and fleeting. Knowing these Saturdays are numbered I sing loudly in the car while toting teens, am a soft touch at stopping for doughnuts, and do my best to make the children feel cherished (and equally embarrassed).

The epic downside of these spring Saturdays is not having enough time for fun, let alone all of the projects that need attention.

Our oven has stopped working. Our home is 67% repainted. Our yard looks like we hosted a hillbilly jamboree that decidedly did not end well. And don't even get me started on all that needs done at our lake house, The Cozy Cottage.

It's easy to feel over whelmed by all there is to do. In times like these I often forget what's my mission: to keep the main thing the main thing.


The projects are never ending but the days are few and fleeting. So today I'll go home, unload the dishwasher, and get done what I can. Giving thanks for all we have that vies for our attention. 😉


Palm Sunday


Friday Night Lights… at Costco